Eye of Palm
Eye of Palm (means and tools to support the navigation of a room)
Handrail following bounds of the room (pre-milled pine), floor tiles (silicon carbide sandpaper, mdf), scattered and possible rock cairns (ceramic).
An Arrangement for Hand-Holding
Stack of pine boards, ceramic tiles, plasticine brackets.
Contour Line for the Eyes of the Skin (Juhani Pallasmaa’s grasp bar)
Wood rail, wood, paper pulp, ceramic brackets, brass screws.
Notional Navigational Handrail [1-12]
Ink and conte pencil on paper.
Show at
Efrain Lopez Gallery, Chicago, IL
A wooden railing—structured to support and lead a body——
displaced from this position———
A field of round forms; textured, varied, eroded; made for or by the hand; from another place, placed or landed here.
Gabriela Salazar fills Efrain Lopez Gallery with a coded transmission: a matrix of dots bracketed by a continuous line. Salazar’s “graspable” sculptures—handrails and stone-like objects—continue her exploration of the transmission of narrative, possibility, and history via the built environment. Through the exhibition’s mise en scène, the artist implicates essential structures of human relationships to material, and nests bodily locations through implied proprioception.
Efrain Lopez Gallery, Chicago, IL
A wooden railing—structured to support and lead a body——
designed to follow
the wall—displaced from this position———
measuring a room—a spatial, yet tactile navigational tool—
a compass realigned to unknown cardinal directions.A field of round forms; textured, varied, eroded; made for or by the hand; from another place, placed or landed here.
Measures of the space, and the limits of the body
within the space;a system of cairns dispersed from an unknown peregrination.
Gabriela Salazar fills Efrain Lopez Gallery with a coded transmission: a matrix of dots bracketed by a continuous line. Salazar’s “graspable” sculptures—handrails and stone-like objects—continue her exploration of the transmission of narrative, possibility, and history via the built environment. Through the exhibition’s mise en scène, the artist implicates essential structures of human relationships to material, and nests bodily locations through implied proprioception.
— with Ruslana Lichtzier, 2016